Wow, all this traveling has taken me away from my blog! But I can't believe how great our boys are doing! Just to get caught up the Vipers played against the Grande Prairie Storm in the Doyle Cup and won 4 straight games! Playing at the Civic Arena wasn't ideal for the Vipers but they made the most of it and won two at home before heading up North to win two on the road. At the Civic the Vipers adapted to the WAY smaller ice surface and skated circles around the Storm. Credit to the Storm, they never gave up, but just couldn't beat the Jones twins! Up in Grande Prairie Ryan Santana was back in the line up...and very happy to be back! But some of the other boys were fighting a very bad flu bug the whole trip which made playing hockey even harder for them...but I of course couldn't be more happy with the out come...a sweep of the series and the Doyle Cup to put into the trophy case! It was also great to see all the fans welcome the Vipers home when their bus pulled up...you can actually see the clip on the CHBC News website! The boys are happy...but not finished yet! They are now heading to Victoria for the RBC!!!!! Now I'm excited as I've been asked to go as well and participate in the opening ceremonies! So I will do my very best to keep everyone updated on a regular basis and try to get some of the players to be guest writers on my blog! Thanks for all your fan support and if you can't make it to Victoria don't forget to listen on 107.5 KISS FM and I know we will hear you cheering from Vernon or where ever you may be!