Heather Kakoske (L) and Kim Robinson (R) participate in an RBC Cup trivia contest
Jason Williamson's puppy, Bauer, joins the Viper tail gate party on May 5

Viper players' parents participate in a tail gate party before the May 5 game
Viper Fans Converge on Camrose
May 6, 2011. Special report from Camrose.
Viper marketing manager Heidi Haas has been busy fielding requests for tickets at the RBC Cup in Camrose.
“Each game we’re allowed 100 tickets for our fans to purchase and I’ve had no problem moving those tickets,” says Heidi.
In addition to the travelling group of Viper die hard fans, most of the Viper players’ parents have travelled to Camrose. Some, such as the Kakoskes, Corkeys, Thompsons, Voths, and Robinsons, have been here all week. Others, such as the Murphys and Nowicks, have arrived in time for the weekend games.
Mike and Karen Murphy and Kyle Murphy’s younger brother Brendan arrived Thursday afternoon from New Jersey, just in time for a tail gate party in the Edgeworth Centre parking lot. Brendan, one of four hockey playing Murphys, was somewhat disappointed because Kyle sat out the Thursday game with a nagging injury.
Benton Hadley, who has been on a lot of airplanes lately, likes the Vipers’ chances: “this team keeps rising to the occasion. Earlier in the playoffs, we were in the process of booking a family holiday, and Aaron told us to wait until the RBC Cup was finished. That tells me something about the players’ confidence!”
Marcus Basara’s parents, Milos and Karen, talked about the joy they see in their son. Karen said, “Marcus was on a team that won the Telus Cup last year, so he has some experience in this kind of atmosphere, but he’s very excited this year. We’re delighted to see him so happy.”
Heather Kakoske and Kim Robinson shared a chuckle about their appearance on the big screen during an intermission at the Viper/Wellington game. They participated in an RBC Cup trivia quiz hosted by Camrose play-by-play announcer Tim Ellis. “We just tried to have some fun with it. I mean, who cares which Ontario team last won the RBC Cup?”
All told, 17 of the Vipers had family members at the tail gate party that was organized by the Corkeys and Heidi Haas. More will be present for this weekend’s playoff games.
Jack Gilroy, David Robinson’s uncle, played junior hockey in Vernon and Brandon and then went on to a pro career. He said, “People in Vernon are excited for the team and what they’ve done for Vernon. We’re known nationally again. These kids are amazing ambassadors for our community so we’re here to support them.”